Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Balloon Blowing Children

Julia acting weird ,going cross eyed ,knowing that mom was taking the picture!!!
Asia's is HUGE!! {Julia's is pretty big.....for a 3 year old!!}

Asia Hannah and Julia

Hannah, Hannah's friend Asia and Julia were blowing balloons and didn't stop!!
They looked like they were going to Pass-Out!! They Kept blowing and blowing and BLOWING!!!
and laughing and laughing and LAUGHING!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bode's First B-Day Cake!!

Look at his smiley little face {and BEATUIFUL cake by mom!
Look at his Smile!!!

He just LOVES cake!!

Welcome to our Blog!!

I {Kaymie} told my mom that we just HAD to get a Blog! So, I GOT STARTED!!! We have been looking at some family members and friends diffrent Blogs, and I wanted to start one so..... HERE IT IS!!!!!