Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Balloon Blowing Children

Julia acting weird ,going cross eyed ,knowing that mom was taking the picture!!!
Asia's is HUGE!! {Julia's is pretty big.....for a 3 year old!!}

Asia Hannah and Julia

Hannah, Hannah's friend Asia and Julia were blowing balloons and didn't stop!!
They looked like they were going to Pass-Out!! They Kept blowing and blowing and BLOWING!!!
and laughing and laughing and LAUGHING!!!!!!!


  1. So excited you have a Rogers I can see the kids grow everyday!
    Love you guys,
    mom & grandma

  2. Way to go Kaymie! We are SO excited you decided to start a blog for your family. You just HAVE to have a blog so we can see pictures and get updates on what's going on in "the rogers world". ;) We love your blog so far. Keep up the good work.

    Love you!
    the a-team

  3. Kames -

    Nice work on creating a cool blog for your family. You already are a pro. Now you'll just have to teach your parents how to blog also, because they are so old that computers didn't exist when they were born.

    Can't wait for the dance competition on Sat.

    Love you all,

    Shaun and Faith

  4. Cute blog Kaymie! I hope you guys had fun at your recital last Saturday. I miss you girls and wish I could have been there!

  5. Kaymie, Faith told me that you are a blogger... I am SOOO impressed. Nice work. I can't wait for more updates.

  6. I wanted to see all three of you girls dance performance! PLEASE bring me the video so I can see what a great job each one of you did and how cute you are!
    I love you so muc and cait wait to see ALL of you!!!!!

  7. Make another post Kaymie.....It has been way TOO long...Miss you, love you, bye!
